Aug 7Liked by Odds and Enns

Your analysis reminds of another verse, about the sins of the fathers being visited upon their children and children’s children. Not God’s punishment, but the idea that children are affected negatively by their parents’ sins and shortcomings and these negative effects continue through generations. Thanks to modern psychology, we all know this to be true; however, as we know, God’s grace, love, and power can help us break the cycle.

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Aug 7Liked by Odds and Enns

I'm especially touched by your words "the Spirit was grieved" because I've never been able to adequately express this experience and wondered at times if it's only me.

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Aug 7Liked by Odds and Enns

Oh yeah! Call it justice with mercy or Karma or natural consequences. I particularly like the "restorative" vs "punitive..."

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Aug 7Liked by Odds and Enns

First off, you should definitely watch Friends….

Anyway, great post, thanks Pete. I think one of the main things for me is understanding God’s judgment as restorative, rather than punitive or retributive. That’s much less frightening and actually maybe even comforting…..

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Thanks, Jeff. Also. I will not be watching friends.

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Aug 8Liked by Odds and Enns

I know these moments of wrath well. Not, like frequently, but very sensitive to them. It was… refreshing?- to read someone write so candidly and honest about it. I observe in the world it’s so much easier to throw judgement at others to avoid confronting and fully feeling that gaping feeling the divine presence leaves in moments like these.

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Thank you, Jessica! Well said.

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Aug 7Liked by Odds and Enns

Very helpful. And as a Brit living in the USA, I pronounce it "Roth" as opposed to "Rath". That makes the "whooshing out" easier to ignore - which is dangerous.

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Oh and as to the show Friends. In my church’s magazine in the 90s (Mormon gal here) I read an article that talked about feeling the spirit of God, and if we weren’t having more experiences with the God/Holy Spirit, to look at our life and to see what was amiss. It specifically named inappropriate media. I had just started watching the show, and knew instantly this must be the reason why I don’t feel like God talks to me! Too much sex talk in the show made me unworthy. I stopped watching the show in an effort to be more “worthy”, so to this day when people drop lines about Friends I have no idea what they’re talking about. Spoiler, this did nothing to increase my experiences with feeling the Holy Spirit. Yea…..

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You mean, a contrived and guilt-driven show of piety didn’t take? Shocking! 😮😁

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Aug 7Liked by Odds and Enns

You lost me with, “I’ve never watched Friends.”

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What a great way to reframe “wrath”. Thanks!

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I know those moments too! They feel actually both comforting and shitty. But overall, glad they happened because you are a better person afterwards and don't forget the lesson learned. Honestly, I didn't follow the commentary very well - but overall, I'd like to think of God's wrath as restorative rather than punitive for sure. It seems we've all experienced it whether we recognize it or not.

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